the influence of sensory path games on the gross motor development of children aged 4-5 years at PAUD Azzahra
Is Nurhayati
One aspect of children's development that needs to be optimized fro
m an early age is motor
skills. Motor development includes efforts to optimize a child's growth and development,
thereby supporting the optimization of other aspects of development. Many children have
difficulty performing jumping, running and throwing mov
ements. This is due to the lack of
stimulation provided and the media used in learning still does not attract children's interest. The
aim of this research is to find out how much influence sensory path games have on the gross
motor development of children
aged 4-5 years in the city of Cilegon. This research method uses
a quantitative with a descriptive approach with a sample of 37 children. This research sample is
non-probability sampling with a saturated sampling type. Data collection techniques used in t
research include: Observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses
simple linear regression analysis. The data is analyzed using SPSS version 29. Hypothesis
testing in this research uses the One way ANOVA method. The results
of this research show the
influence of sensory path games on the gross motor development of children aged 4
-5 years at
PAUD Azzahra. This is proven by the results of the one way ANOVA test which has a
calculated f value of 3.883 > f table 1.37. Hypothesis
testing is carried out with the condition
that calculated f > f table, so H0 is rejected. So the R square test value is 39.5%. Thus, there is a
significant influence of the Sesnory Path game media on the gross motor development of
children aged 4
-5 years at PAUD Azzahra Cilegon.
Sensory Path, Gross Motor, Children Aged 4
-5 years