
  • erik erik erik STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan


Concrete Object Media, Numeracy Skills. .


Children's Numeracy Ability Through the Media of Concrete Object Activities Group B, Miftahul Huda Nanggela Kindergarten, Early Childhood Education Study Program (PGPAUD) 2025. One way to improve children's numeracy skills is through rhythmic gymnastics. This research aims to determine the increase in children's numeracy skills through concrete object media activities. This research is quantitative research. The subjects in this research were students in groups B1 and B2 of Miftahul Huda Nanggel Kindergarten, even semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. The number of students in groups B1 and B2 is 30 students. This research is collaborative between researchers, school principals, and class teachers. Data was collected through observation, field notes and documentation. The results of this study showed that there was an increase in children's gross motor skills through rhythmic gymnastics, namely the average pretest result for the experimental group was 46.26 and increased to 60.2 in the posttest. Meanwhile, the control group had a pretest average of 48.26 and this increased to 56.13 when the posttest was carried out. Hypothesis testing uses the T test where the tcount result is 0.49 < 2.048 from the t table, then Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected. The conclusion of this research is that rhythmic gymnastics activities have an effect on improving children's gross motor skills at Miftahul Huda Nanggela Kindergarten


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How to Cite

erik, erik erik. (2025). THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE MEDIA ON NUMBERS ABILITY FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD IN MIFTAHUL HUDA KINDERGARTEN, CIDAHU, KUNINGAN. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education, 9(1). Retrieved from