Stimulating English Verbal Linguistic Intelligence of Early Childhood


  • wahyu purwasih UIN Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Ahmad Sahnan



english, verbal linguistic intelligence, early childhood


Abstract The aim of this research is to reveal the stimulation of English verbal linguistic intelligence in TK Negeri Gemolong. English is an international language that must be introduced to children to face global competition in the future. Therefore, this study aims to determine the teacher's strategy in stimulating early childhood English verbal intelligence in Gemolong State Kindergarten. This research method uses qualitative research methods. The results of this study indicate that the teacher's strategy in stimulating children's English linguistic intelligence is carried out with intracurricular and extracurricular activities. Intracurricular activities are English language stimulation activities carried out based on the curriculum. In intracurricular activities the teacher uses several existing methods consisting of the habituation method, the playing method, the singing method. The standards for achieving English for children in TK Negeri Gemolong are self-introduction materials, body parts, numbers 1-10, colors, animals, and fruit. Meanwhile, extracurricular activities are english club.


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How to Cite

purwasih, wahyu, & Sahnan, A. (2022). Stimulating English Verbal Linguistic Intelligence of Early Childhood . Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education, 6(2), 184–190.