Learning of Arabic Language Assignment Models for Early Childhood by Online


  • Majidatun Ahmala STAI Taruna Surabaya
  • Zahrotun Nikmah
  • Riska Lailatul Andiri




Anak Usia Dini, bahasa Arab, pembelajaran daring


Abstract Learning conducted online during the covid-19 pandemic is also performed at the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) level. Providing online learning for early childhood is not easy because at this age a child should learn many things about physical-motor, moral, emotional, cognitive, language, how to solve problems, and so on that effect throughtout his life, so it is said that this period is the golden age. Giving assignments in online learning is one of the ways that teachers do to monitor the developments of their students. Therefore, this research is about the assignments of early childhood with a focus on Arabic lessons. This research is qualitative methods using observation, interviews, and documentation as research techniques. This research was cinducted at TK-Alfarobi Surabaya with kindergarten B teachers as the main interviews and guardians of students as respondents.. The results of this research show that there are four Arabic assignments performed by the teacher during online learning, there are: 1) a model for increasing competency in Arabic reading and writing; 2) short letter memorization model; 3) the model of memorizing asmaul husna with movements; 4) a model of singing Arabic vocabulary with gestures.

Keywords: early childhood education, Arabic Language, Online Learning.



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How to Cite

Ahmala, M., Zahrotun Nikmah, & Riska Lailatul Andiri. (2021). Learning of Arabic Language Assignment Models for Early Childhood by Online. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education, 6(1), 18–26. https://doi.org/10.51529/ijiece.v6i1.252