Implementasi Metode Pembiasaan Modelling Perspektif Teori Behaviorisme di RA Syamila Kids Salatiga


  • Wahyu Naib Fikri jawa tengah



Today's education world becomes a benchmark in the process of educating the life of the nation, so that kindergarten is the initial formation in learning and teaching activities and the formation of behavior towards children. So the kindergarten is a formal early childhood education institution that serves ages between 4-6 years. This age is often called the golden age golden age. That is crucial for the further development of human quality. At this time children have the attitude to imitate, that is, every action of an adult who is considered to have authority (parents, siblings, teachers, other adults) will be a reference for his behavior (for example). Therefore, habits of diverse behaviors and morals need to be introduced, fostered, and accustomed from an early age.

This study aims to describe the implementation of the modeling methodology of behaviorism in RA syaamila kids salatiga.

This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research with a case study method. Of all activities that are accustomed to schooling will be manifest in the minds of children and then will bring good influence when the child is at home. Therefore, children must be formed from an early age so that later they will form a person who has a moral character, Implementation of the habituation method in Syaamila Kids is considered very effective in the teaching and learning process because it is in accordance with the psychology of children who are easy to accept, so here children are easy to accept what is conveyed and done by the teacher. So that the implementation of this habituation method can create independence, respect and love both yourself, others and the environment and children are able to appreciate the time


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How to Cite

Wahyu Naib Fikri. (2021). Implementasi Metode Pembiasaan Modelling Perspektif Teori Behaviorisme di RA Syamila Kids Salatiga. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education, 5(2), 47–55.