• Arista luciana hendrika arista PIAUD UNSIQ
  • astri PIAUD UNSIQ
Keywords: pendidikan, pembinaan anak, bimbingan solat, childrenet, sholat, solat


Guidance and implementation of religious education for early childhood certainly cannot be implemented in all. Worship which includes prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj is a worship that can be applied to early childhood, of course it is adjusted to their age factor and the maturity of their minds. This can affect what methods and media are used by educators. Media can be anything that is needed in order to help and facilitate the learning material so that it can be absorbed and easily understood by students. In addition to making it easier for students to understand, it is also very helpful for teachers in carrying out learning in class. Audio media is media that can be used to convey messages that will be conveyed in the form of audit symbols, whether in the form of verbal or non-verbal forms. The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of audio media in introducing prayer movements to early childhood. In this study, the selected media was mobile phones with a song entitled “Allahu Akbar” which helped 15 children aged 5-6 years in TKQ A class at TPQ Ad-Da'wah Kelapa Gading as many as 15 children who were expected to be able to understand prayer movements from takbir to greetings. This study uses the Classroom Action Research method, which consists of three cycles. There are ten indicators that are used as a reference in the observation assessment sheet. Among them, the child is able to do the takbiratul ihram movement correctly, kneel correctly, bow correctly, I'tidal correctly, prostrate correctly, sit iftirosy correctly, sit the initial tasyahud correctly, sit the final tasyahud correctly, greet the movement correctly. prayer movements in sequence from beginning to end. The results of this study revealed that learning with audio media proved effective and could improve the ability to recognize prayer movements in early childhood. This can be seen from the percentage obtained from each cycle. Where the first cycle obtained a percentage of 39%, then the second cycle 75% and the third cycle 97%.


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How to Cite
arista, A. luciana hendrika, & astri, A. N. (2024). A CONSTRUCTION PATTERN KETRAMPILAN SHOLAT ANAK USIA DINI DALAM AGAMA ISLAM. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education, 8(1), 30-41. https://doi.org/10.51529/ijiece.v8i1.421